Monday, November 28, 2016


It's been more than a little hectic over the past two weeks.  The week prior to Thanksgiving, right before my wife and I were about to watch our Ohio Bobcats play a Tuesday night football game on TV, I felt some pain in my back and ribs while I was finishing up a new bluegill fly I am experimenting with at the bench.  I think the pattern will produce when I get a chance to test.

I managed to squirm my way through the game, but the pain was getting worse as the night went on.  By 11PM, I woke up my wife and said it was time to go to the emergency room.  My assumption was kidney stone, but it turned out to be gallstones.  Lots of them.  I was slated for surgery to remove the gallbladder the following day.  Recovery has gone pretty well, but vise time was pretty non-existent due to the pain post-surgery and an inability to comfortably sit in my tying chair.

When I finally was able to get in the tying room, I decided to tie a few throwback streamers.  Not the bulky, water-pushing modern streamers, but more classically designed hair wing streamers that I enjoy fishing on light weight fly rods in smaller streams.  I added a little modern flair with some Ice Dub and 3D eyes, but the guts of the patterns are classic bucktail and squirrel tail with cheeks of mallard flank.

On our last few trips into town to shop for groceries and other household necessities, I have kept my eyes peeled for the newest sensation in tying materials: mops.  I have a few ideas for "mop fly" designs a little different than the standard patterns.  I expect to have some fun with these.  The auto detailing mitt came from WalMart, the green duster from Kroger.  Both were under $5.  Once I get some flies tied, I will post them up here. 



  1. Glad your recovery is going well! Cant wait to see what kind of mop fly you come up with!

  2. Glad you are recovering. Scary to experience for sure! As an Ohio U alum - I'm glad to hear you got to enjoy a game!
    Keep healing well!

  3. Happy to see that you got to the doctor as quickly as you did and got a diagnosis. Hope the recovery continues to come along well. Those Bluegill flies look right on the money to me.......... Thanks for sharing. Mop Fly, please!

  4. Thanks, folks! I got one of the mop fly ideas cranked out and it looks good. Hopefully I'll knock the other out this weekend and have something up early next week.
